Our education system plays an important role in enabling a person to face a real-life challenges with adequate knowledge and skill. College is a temple of learning and cultural centre. We are making our best effort to give quality education to our rural students. It is only after leaving college that one really appreciates the feeling of having belonged to the college. This general feeling of "Belonging" of being wanted is so necessary to our happiness, but here at college now we seem to take it so much for granted, whether we are a part of sports teams, or class or yes, even part of SSSONJE Sanstha Family. I'm proud to lead an institution with spectacle of fine blend of tradition and modernity. It's modernity is reflected through the introduction of the job-oriented. I believe, each education institute has its own attitude, its own distinct & identifiable 'Personality'. The integration of academic excellence & professional leaving is one of Sandip College's unique strengths. Our college moral values the development of personal leadership in each students. Challenged by outstanding faculty & a modern value centered curriculum, students are fully prepared to contribute to society & to be effective leaders of social change based on the ethical values & principles tough in the college.


                                  -Dr. Faruk K. Shaikh , Principal